Rick Nicolet

Rick Nicolet graduated at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam in 1967. Rick had leading roles in the television series Vrouwenvleugel  and in the television film Altijd Yours / Voor Never. Rick was nominated for a Golden Calf for Best Actress both for this role and for her role in the television film De Aanklacht.

She has featured in the internationally-awarded feature film Spijt!, and in the Golden Film-awarded thriller Daglicht.

For her role in Route 66, she was nominated for a Johnny Kraaijkamp Musical Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Rick played recurring roles in the popular television series Doctor Deen and Het Geheime Dagboek van Hendrik Groen.

Most recently, Rick featured in the television series Adem in, adem uit and Het Gouden Uur.





Nationaal Ouderen Fonds